QUESTION: Now that we?’re getting into the cooler, sunnier, crisper days of Autumn, I?’d like to start hanging my washed clothes on an outside clothes pole or device to let them dry in the sun and breeze. Does it matter where I have the clothes pole installed?

ANSWER: Actually, the location decision is easy ?– our CCR?’s specifically state that Springs residents cannot have an outside clothes hanging device, as provided in Article XXI:

Article XXI

Clothes hanging devices exterior to a dwelling shall not be permitted.

These monthly ?“Talk About It?” CCR messages intend to remind residents of The Springs of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CCR?’s) that apply to all Springs residents solely by our election to live in this community. The purpose of the CCR?’s is to maintain specific standards for the good of us all, as articulated in their definition:

?“THE SPRINGS AT STONE OAK is encumbered by these Restrictive Covenants for the following reasons: to seek to achieve the best and highest use and most appropriate development of the property; to protect lot owners against improper use of surrounding lots; to preserve so far as practical the natural beauty of the property; to guard against the erection of poorly designed or proportioned structures of improper or unsuitable materials; to encourage and secure the erection of attractive improvements on each lot with appropriate locations; and to secure and maintain proper setbacks from streets and adequate free space.?”

If you are a Springs resident who has misplaced your copy of the CCR?’s, or are a new resident who wasn?’t provided a copy by the previous owners or your realtor, you can view the complete, official Springs CCR?’s at the Community Pages of this Springs website, or download them (Adobe Reader [.pdf] format) at .

By Springs Web Coordinator