How and who can enforce the NO SOLICITING sign at the entrance gate?
Part of my decision to purchase a home in The Springs was that it was gated and provided a reasonable sense of security. Along with that, based on the sign at the gate, I expected that solicitors of businesses would not come to my door to bother me or my neighbors. This has happs fairly often. Not sure if they are solicitors or burglery scouts. I understand that I, as homeowner in Texas, can place a no soliciting sign on my door and can legally deter and possibly prevent anyone from soliciting; and it can safeguard me from a 1st amendment right defense (in a majority of cases) But what about as a community? If I tell someone to "go away, soliciting is not allowed in this gated community and if a resident did not invite you in here, you are tresspassing (by a gate that requires a code to open)" and he goes to the next house, what can be done?
Would additional sinage (NO TRESSPASSING) at the gate help?
On that note, can resident's children come around to solicit for fund raising of their school or clubs? This, I don't mind as much especially since they are residents, but its still soliciting.
Please advise. Thank you!